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PENDING News (12)

Wednesday, November 12th, 2014

Third Quarter Financial Snapshot

Summary: Good news!!! The financial position of OLT has improved significantly since the beginning of 2014. Net Income from all sources from January through September was $332,900, or $257,000 above expectations. This improvement was the result of a reduction in expenses of approximately $87,000 over the amount budgeted, and an increase in revenues of $ 158,500 over budget. The most significant factor in the revenue gain was the increase in Admission…
Saturday, November 8th, 2014

[FUTURE] Financial Story

[may split this into a series of stories regarding OLT's financial background... winter reserves, reservoir, land conservation, human resources] Do your eyes glaze over when you look at a spreadsheet full of numbers? Do you wonder where the money goes? Me too. I was recently at a meeting where one person pointed out that a couple of decades ago, the rates at the hot springs were lower and there were…

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.