
Waste (2)

Monday, 08 April 2013 21:06

Wastewater Treatment Plant

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OLT members are the greatest people in the world! They believe in and have made a commitment to keeping Orient Land Trust and its holdings, among them our crown jewel – Valley View Hot Springs – the special place that it is forever. From the soaking ponds, the wildlife, the landscapes and pristine environment at the hot springs village, the nature trails, the bat out flight at the Orient Mine and the Everson ranch -- what's not to love? Our members have taken the important step to make sure that these things, and more, are preserved for future generations by becoming Members. Large capital infrastructure expenses, however, like the Wastewater Treatment upgrades, stretch OLT's Operational Budget to the max, thus our need for an Annual Appeal campaign to help fund these additional expenditures. Thank you for supporting this year's "Let's Potty" Annual Appeal by contributing to our mandated Waste Water Treatment upgrades. Your gift will help keep the Orient Land Trust/ Valley View Hot Springs debt-free from this large wastewater expenditure project that, while not glamorous, undergirds your OLT experience of serene landscapes and soothing waters with much needed renovations for life's basic necessities! Thanks for partnering with us.

Oak Outhouse - Teresa Seitz Main Bath - Teresa Seitz Pool Bath - Old Outhouses near the Oak House - John Lorenz Inside Main Bathroom - Doug Bates Oak Outhouse - Doug Bates Inside Oak Outhouse - Doug Bates Oak Outhouse - Doug Bates Oak Outhouses - Doug Bates Original wastewater site beside proposed site for underground facility - Doug Bates Original Wastewater Treatment Aerator - Doug Bates Original Wastewater Treatment Aerator - Doug Bates

Any Annual Appeal gift for the WWTP project on top of your Annual Membership Fee will increase your Membership Level and its related Member benefits accordingly (see Member Benefits).

Goal updated 4/11/2014

Monday, 25 March 2013 09:38

Recycle, Reuse, Reduce

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OLT promotes and models the "three Rs" of sustainable lifestyles - Recycle, Reduce, Reuse. We encourage visitors to include these ideas in their activities while visiting and after returning home. Use your imagination to think of new ways to implement the three Rs, because everything you do makes a difference.

Recycling Options

OLT provides collection points for recycling of glass, aluminum, plastic. However, the recycling, and the garbage, must be hauled by OLT nearly 100 miles for disposal. Because this long drive uses a significant amount of fuel, OLT suggests that visitors implement "pack it in, pack it out" principles for their recycling and trash if they have curbside pickup service at home. This helps reduce the overall impact on our planet. If you can't take it home, OLT will be happy to help recycle the items you use during your stay.

Waste Water

[use showers to collect sunblock, etc]

In the interests of sustainability operating entirely “off-grid”, Valley View’s waste waters are treated onsite. Organic nutrients carried by the water return to the ecological cycle where they support a wide range of plants and animals.


For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.