
Viewshed (1)

Thursday, 04 April 2013 10:48

Unspoiled Views

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The Orient Land Trust is perhaps best known for protecting its spectacular views. With 2,200 acres over a variety of terrain and surrounded by __ miles of public lands, visitors share a powerful and unique perspective of the world. The viewshed highlights the natural, historic, and agricultural heritage of the northern San Luis Valley, its rural communities, and their gentle pace of life. The skies are wide and open, with dramatic and beautiful weather. Come nightfall, the high altitude and lack of light pollution make provide some of the best stargazing to be found.

Astronomy Program

OLT's location and geography are extremely favorable for great celestial viewing. Several great telescopes were donated for visitors to view the skies in great detail. Our Astronomy Hosts share the science and wonder of the night sky with visitors. With our 8" telescope, guests can spot distant galaxies, fascinating stars, as well the rings and moons surrounding nearby planets.

Heavens Above, Site 1792105 (OLT) - astronomy and satellite events, localized to Valley View Hot Springs
Space Weather - meteor showers, solar weather, and aurora sightings

A Donated Telescope - The Night Skyline - Doug Bates Constelation of Orion with Jupiter near Taurus - Doug Bates Lunar Eclipse - Aurora Borealis as seen from Valley View, Mar 30, 2001 - Teresa Seitz Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) seen from Valley View Hot Springs - Teresa Seitz Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) seen from Valley View Hot Springs - Teresa Seitz Astronomy Host, Larry Porter sharing his 16 Astronomy Host, Larry Porter sharing his 16 Astronomy Host, Larry Porter sharing his 16 Astronomy Host, Larry Porter sharing his 16 Lunar Eclipse - Heather Findlay Doug Bishop viewing the stars - Larry Porter New Astronomy Platform 2016 - Mark Jacobi New Astronomy Platform 2016 - Mark Jacobi

All Night Soaking

Year round, our overnight guests can soak comfortably under the stars all night. All areas remain open to all guests throughout the night. We maintain minimal artificial light and recommend having a flashlight ready well before dusk. Most visitors are surprised how comfortably they can soak for hours.

Please be mindful when using flashlights near others and keep a low voice out of respect for those sleeping nearby in tents and cabins.

Spectacular Weather

Sunrays over San Luis Valley - Steven Charter Sunrays through clouds, San Luis Valley - Hold in the Clouds - Teresa Seitz Sunset - Sunset - Sunset sheer cloud formation over Sange de Cristo - Jerry Kaiser Sunset sheer cloud formation over Sange de Cristo - Jerry Kaiser Cresent Moon at Sunset - Teresa Seitz Double Rainbow over Lake - Jerry Kaiser Rainbow over Orient Mine - John Lorenz Low Hanging Fog - Teresa Seitz Low Hanging Fog - Teresa Seitz

For the education, enjoyment, and well-being of current and future generations, Orient Land Trust: 
promotes a positive clothing-optional experience at all properties including Valley View Hot Springs, Orient Mine and Everson Ranch;
preserves the viewshed, including land acquisition; 
protects natural, wild, agricultural, and historic resources, in the northern San Luis Valley.